Virtual Exhibition Dates: May 1–August 31, 2021
Virtual Opening Reception: May 1, 2021 @ 12 PM (Pacific)
Annual High School Exhibition Program
Since 2014, AMOCA has hosted an annual juried exhibition showcasing the remarkable talents of high school students studying the ceramic arts. Click the link below to learn more about the program and past exhibitions.
Teen Council
Join a group of like-minded teens, get access to exclusive museum areas and events, develop your college resume, meet artists, and make art! Council membership is free thanks to funding from the DEW Foundation.
This program generously funded provided, in part, through grants from the DEW Foundation.
Awards Ceremony
Award Winners
Visitors Choice: Colin Lunsford

Visitor’s Choice Award
Click the link below to cast your vote! The winner will be announced at the close of the exhibition.
Classes of 2023-24
Honorable Mention: Jeremy Park

Honorable Mention: Mariah Storm

Honorable Mention: Mersedes Roy

Best of Show: Zoe Carmack

Class of 2022
Honorable Mention: Nayomie Pazmino
Honorable Mention: Dylan Mealey

Honorable Mention: David Aguilar

Best of Show: Koby Chen

Class of 2021
Honorable Mention: Olivia Bochenek

Honorable Mention: Marshall Smith

Honorable Mention: Amelia Booth

Best of Show: Tristan Archer

Juried Works
Listed in alphabetical order by last name. Photos of works submitted by participants. Click or tap on a photo to see a larger image.
David Aguilar

Nicole Altan

Lupita Aranda

Tristan Archer

Katelyn Argyle

Michaela A. Arsene

Nicholas Blumberg

Olivia Bochenek

Kaliani Boden

Amelia Booth

Maddie Brady

Jamie Brennan

Reese Buholtz

Matthias Burke

Zoe Carmack

Clarice Cha

Koby Chen

Maylin Chen

Maria Conchas Aguilar

David Crespo

David Cuaron
Joey David

Catherine Davodi

Leila Denbow

Megan Dorame

Gabrielle Doty

Timothy Drewno

Jacqueline Duenas

Seth Duffy
Lily Eriksen
Mya Gackstetter

Eva Gallagher

Graham Galusha

Libby Garrett

Madelyn Geeting

Samantha Gerde

James Gomez

Emily Goodstal

Maria Habra

Benjamin Hafey

Alyssa Hargis

Grace Hartig

Madalynn Henry

Charlie Hill

Enoc Hunte

Mia Jo

Michaela Johnson

Dayna Jones

Ryan Kiachian

Joshua Kidd

Faith Kim
Riya Koh

Anam Lala
Minhan Lin

Joshua Liu

Alef Lopez

Riley Ludwig

Colin Lunsford

Blake Marvin

Ashton McQuillan

Ian Mead

Dylan Mealey

Brandon Miner

Kaiana Miner

Harrison Murray

Anthony Nguyen

Kat Nguyen

Kylie Oh

Eliza Olson

Edward Padnos

Jeremy Park

Emily Paynter

Nayomie Pazmino
Ryan Peng

Jasmine Pfafman

Lucas Pierce

Alayna Reinke

Heather Rocheford

Miranda Rogers

Mersedes Roy

Alexandra Santana

Denisse Meza Santellano

Luna Santiago

Tatum Severns

Conner Siou

Marshall Smith

Max Solano
Naomi Soot

Mariah Storm

Sarah Swanstrom

Taylor Truran

Ella Venne

Kaitlyn Wang

Megan Webster

Fiona Whitaker

Emily Wilhelm

Sasha Wintersteller

Jessica Wright

Georgia Yamamoto

Hannah Yared

Annelie Zukerman