June 5, 2020
Dear AMOCA Community,
The events of the past week have been heartbreaking and devastating to our nation. We stand with our community in demanding justice for George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless others.
In the last week, we have reached out to Pomona Mayor Tim Sandoval and Pomona Police Chief Mike Ellis to let them know that AMOCA stands with our community’s desire for equity and community-focused policing. I am proud to see our local civic leaders take swift and decisive action to continue making Pomona a city of compassion.
There will be time in the coming weeks and months for AMOCA to join our peers in the museum world in critically examining our efforts to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in our institutions. I believe now is a time for a different kind of action.
I encourage you to join me in making your voice heard. Links to contact civic leadership as well as local and national organizations on the front lines are below.
Together, we are stronger.

Beth Ann Gerstein
Executive Director
American Museum of Ceramic Art
American Civil Liberties Union
Black Lives Matter Los Angeles
Californians for the Arts
Campaign Zero
Dismantle Collective
NAACP Pomona Valley
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